Client: Freeport of Riga Authority
Project completion period: 2013–2015
Project description: this service entailed preparation of contractual amendments regarding the implementation of the project, preparation of draft letters of reply in response to questions and requests for explanations from the Republic of Latvia’s Ministry of Transport, legal consulting related to the implementation of the construction works agreement in relation to the client’s rights and duties in regard to the implementation of the FIDIC agreement, analysis of the compatibility of completed construction works to the project’s goals and project values subject to audit, assessment of the significance of discovered deviations and discrepancies depending on their impact on the project goal and implementation timetable, and recommendations for eradication of discovered discrepancies. In addition, under the auspices of the project, financial and performance time schedules were prepared and updated, payment demands were organised, and project implementation reports and overviews were submitted to the Republic of Latvia’s Ministry of Transport.